Elizabeth and her husband would spend hours each week cleaning up leaves and debris around pool, instead of actually enjoying it and the lifestyle we all dream about when you have a swimming pool. Not to mention all the mosquitoes and flies keeping the kids indoors. Suncoast Outdoor Living helped transform their backyard with a new pool enclosure and patio. Perfect for entertaining and relaxing all year long, these lovely clients now have a weatherproof, debris-free and insect-free outdoor room that’s added enormous value to their home and lifestyle.


Tony: So, Elizabeth what are you trying to achieve here?

Elizabeth: We want basically a free maintenance area where we can come out and use the pool without having to spend two, three hours cleaning it, and then the leaves off, and then the cover off, and then clean the pool, and then clean the sides. We just want bugs out of the way. We want leaves out of the way, and we want to enjoy the area.

Tony: So how long would you spend on average coming out and cleaning up your pool currently?

Elizabeth: Well, my husband and I do it together. So he will probably spend an hour and a half just cleaning up all of the outside of the pool area. And I’ll then start by cleaning the leaves off. He’d probably take two hours by the time he’s finished, and I’ll probably spend the same again. By that time, we’re too hot, we’re too bothered. We want to get our free time back.

Tony: And you have a big issue with bugs around here, too?

Elizabeth: We do. We absolutely love the environment that we’re in. But the downside of it is, is that we get mosquitoes, we get flies. And my son is allergic to some of those insects. So we want something that is screened off so that he can actually come out, and he can use the area because he doesn’t use it at all at the moment.

Tony: Also to offer you better UV protection from the sun as well with the screen?

Elizabeth: Which is definitely needed here in Queensland.

Tony: Obviously, one of the other benefits is that you won’t have to be filling your pool up with water too often, it’ll reduce the amount of times that you’re having to fill that pool up with water.

Elizabeth: The water evaporation is huge. And having something which means that we can save money by keeping the pool at a constant level, keeping the chemicals at the same level, we’re going to be saving money all round.

Tony: Fantastic. We look forward to coming out and starting your project.

Elizabeth: And I’m looking forward to seeing what it looks like in the end.

Tony: Great.

Elizabeth: You can’t imagine it. Unless you’d seen it before, you can’t imagine the difference that it’s made. And it’s made us want to make the best of the other areas as well. So, we’ve put in the tables, we’ve put in the chairs, we’ve put in an area that is a whole way of life now for us. This is where we spend all of our time.

Our lifestyle has completely changed. Before, we were inside all of the time, and now we’re outside enjoying the space completely. It’s amazing, the transformation here has been completely different. We love it.

So, before the children would be inside all of the time, they’d be in their rooms on their computers or inside studying. And now they come and they sit outside, and they’re getting the fresh air. They’re getting sunlight, but they’re still able to do their studies as well.

So, when Suncoast came out originally, they said it would be two to three weeks, and they kept exactly to their word. It was exactly three weeks. Tony then came out to have a look and inspect the job. He wasn’t happy with the polycarbonate, which we hadn’t even noticed. So they came out and they replaced that as well. So it’s been beyond all of our expectations.

So when the boys came out, they were at all times professional. They were really polite. They were good to have a laugh with. They cleaned up after themselves, and they were no trouble whatsoever. They made sure that we came first all the time. They were great.

We are no longer cleaning. We actually probably only clean the pool once every three weeks, which I know is really bad. But it’s just given us three to four hours a week back, it’s fantastic. In the last five years, I could probably count on my hand the number of times that we’ve had people over. Since having it done, we’ve had more people over, more social events than ever before. The children love to have their friends around. And we now feel that it’s a place where we can come and entertain.

Tony: Our clients knew what a Florida room was, which made our process a lot easier. They originally had an existing patio that was already here. So we looked at different options of, one, reusing the existing patio, or, two, manufacturing and designing a complete new structure, which incorporated their outdoor entertaining area as well, which is what the end result was.

The rest of the enclosure itself is up to our standards as far as well, and we are very fussy. Our guys, we’re very fortunate to have fantastic tradesmen that work for us. It’s not about rushing jobs like this, it’s about as our clients have with finishing it off. It’s about those last-minute details and making sure that everything is touched up and everything’s working as it should be, and that our client has a very happy, big smile on their face, which in this case, we’re very happy to say that they have.

Elizabeth: Everybody who comes in is absolutely amazed by it, and it’ll be our biggest selling point.

For more information about what a Suncoast Outdoor Living Patio and Alfresco Enclosure can do for you call the team on 1300 137 081 to discuss further.

You can also get in contact on [email protected] for any enquiries.