10 Aug

Helpful advice on sun protection

As we know, skin cancer is a disease of the body’s skin cells caused mainly by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. What you may not be aware of is Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Roughly 380,000 people are diagnosed every year and 1500 of them die from skin cancer, with one fifth coming from Queensland.

How to protect yourself and your family

The Cancer Institute has a few simple, easy tips on how to prevent sunburn. These should be followed anytime you are outdoors and even in overcast weather.

The strength of UV radiation is highest in the four-hour period around noon: 10am to 2pm. Experts advise to plan your day to avoid open exposure of sunlight during these times if you can. Other tips are:

  • Shade – pitch up an umbrella at the beach, wear a hat or relax under a tree.
  • Protective Clothing – wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible, ideally loose-fitting, closely woven fabric.
  • Sunglasses – Protects your eyes from UV radiation. Grab a pair that wraps around the sides of the face and meet the Australian Standard AS 1067.
  • Sunscreen – Apply an SPF30+ broad spectrum sunscreen to your skin 20 minutes before heading outdoors. Most importantly, don’t forget to re-apply every two hours.

Our patio and pool enclosures can screen up to 99% of ultraviolet rays, thus effectively reducing the risk of severe sunburn and skin cancer without ruining your lifestyle.

Other resources

  • SunSmart –creators of the iconic Slip Slop Slap campaign, visit the SunSmart website for a stack of tips on how to stay safe in the sun, as well as information and resources on UV rays, Skin Cancer, Vitamin D and more.
  • patio and pool enclosures (NCCI).The 2002 national non-melanoma skin cancer survey. A report by the NCCI Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Working Group. Edited by MP Staples, Melbourne: NCCI, 2003.
  • Dark Side of Tanning –information about tanning and links to melanoma.

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