Most of us have family members of the four-legged variety. We know that they love to get outside and play and we try to encourage this.
Cats and dogs are intuitive, love to explore and play. They will approach almost anything and try to start up a game of chase-y.
One critter in particular that is not the ideal playmate for your pet, but will try to entice your pet to play, is the Cane Toad.
Cane Toads Can Be Toxic To Your Pet
With the summer months approaching, Cane Toad breeding season is underway. The numbers will increase and you may see them in your yards more often, especially in those areas built around the cane fields.
Cane Toads are poisonous throughout every stage of their life, including the egg and tadpole stage.
Cats and dogs pick everything up in their mouths. This includes this little toad.
The Cane Toad, when feeling threatened, will secrete their toxins into the mouth or onto the skin of what it causing them stress. The toxins are located on shoulder glands and present on the skin.
When a pet ingests these toxins, if not treated immediately can cause serious or fatal illness.
We all know how difficult it is to watch your pet 24 hours a day, especially at night when you are sleeping. We can’t stop them from chasing insects and the like, as this is what they do!
We can, however, minimise the likelihood of our pets encountering these terrible toads.
How To Minimise The Risk
Try to keep your yard toad free. You can do this by minimising the areas of free-standing water, covering swimming pools, turning off outside lights at night, checking that there are no gaps in your fence and regularly doing a toad bust.
Another more permanent option is to enclose an area of your yard for your pet to be outside, but safe from harm.
By installing a Pet Enclosure, you can safeguard your pet not only from toads but from all other unwanted pests and insects that may venture into your garden.
These enclosures can also provide valuable shade for your pets during the day and stop the birds from stealing their food and water.
If your pet is unfortunate enough to encounter a toad, there are some basic first aid steps you can follow to reduce the risk of illness.
- Firstly, toad toxin is also poisonous to humans, so ensure that you wear gloves and avoid contact with your bare skin.
- Do not wash the mouth out with the hose as this may push the toxins into their stomach.
- Wipe the inside of their mouth and cheeks with a damp cloth. As the venom is sticky you will need to rub these areas firmly.
- Make sure that you rinse the cloth between wipes so that you rinse off the toxins.
- If your pet begins to decline or you are worried, contact your vet. Problems with the heart and neurological systems can progress rapidly.
If you have any concerns with regards to your or your pets’ well being after being in contact with a Cane Toad, contact the Poisons Information Line on 131126 or your local doctor or vet.
Keep Your Pets Safe
Not only are your pets under threat from Cane Toads in the warmer months, but snakes are also becoming more active.
Our specialised Pet Enclosures can keep all of these nasty and sometimes venomous intruders away from your pets, ensuring that they remain happy and safe whilst outdoors, giving you the peace of mind that your pets are protected when you are away from home.
Beat the summer rush and call us today on 1300 137 081 to request an obligation free quote.